What a trip!!!! My two sons and I came into this trip, our first to South America, with such high expectations that I actually worried there was no way it could live up. Boy were we wrong. While the fishing will always remain top of mind, what actually will be the most lasting memories will be getting to know Justin and his family and how they introduced us to Argentinian culture and traditions. A trip of a lifetime. Will come back to that mushy stuff, but first the fishing…
Rio Nilson – as I had told them before we came down, we love freestone streams. This now ranks up there as one of my favorites. Plus, we had the place to ourselves. Not another fisherman to be seen, and fish in virtually every spot you’d expect them. Dries, nymphs, streamers and mouse patterns…insane.

With the clarity of the water, we were able to see fish behavior that I’d never witnessed. When I thought it couldn’t get any better, we approached the area just downstream of the falls, only to be greeted by monster browns cruising the shallows. Very spooky, but my son was able to entice a 22 incher on a streamer. What a great day. I have no idea how many fish we caught but it had to be north or 60-70!
Lago Dos – I came into this trip hearing about the massive fish in Patagonia lakes but little did I know what we were in for. While we didn’t tally big numbers of fish on this lake, what we did catch were massive. 26” and 24” in Rainbows. 24” Brookie and 24” Brown. Crazy.

The Rainbows in particular gave my 8wt all it could handle. I was skeptical when Justin set my drag but quickly learned why. Otherwise, I’d probably still be chasing the 26 incher around the lake. Combining the amazing fishing with absolutely spectacular views of the surrounding mountains, it was magical.
Rio Las Pampas – it’s tough to pick a favorite day, but if I had to, this us up there. The variety of fishing mixed small water, bigger water and then a feeder spring creek was perfect. Sight fishing with dries and nymphs, streamer fishing and even mouse patterns allowed us to constantly stretch ourselves.

I still think about that huge rainbow tucked under that tree that I was able to move but never hooked (Justin might tell the story differently – he actually took the fly and I was slow on the set… J). All of this and incredible scenery. Absolutely amazing.
Lago and Engano and Rio Engano – our final day. I realize now that you may have saved the best for last. We earned our fish that day. Best guess is we covered 8-10 miles but so worth it.

It felt like we were fishing in spots, particularly on the Rio Engano that no one had been on for months, if not more. It was a Brookie day for the ages.
We could go on and own, talking about the other rivers, floating the Corcovado, Lago Tres, etc. but they were all incredible.
When we booked this trip we had decided that we were looking for an adventure that focused on the fishing and getting to know the Patagonia region, and less on any fancy amenities. The Trout Bum program looked exactly like what we were looking for. In the end, it gave us all that we wanted and more. But what I am most grateful for is the opportunity to get to know Justin and his amazing family. They welcomed us in like we had known them for years. As I said to you Justin, you touched our lives.
Sorry if it’s corny, but its true. Thank you!
~Craig, Tommy and Danny