The Fly Shop Sedanka

Kamchatka Wilderness Floats

Truly the Adventure of a Lifetime

“Kamchatka”… Just the word brings to mind images of boundless unexplored wilderness, and virgin rivers teeming with fish. Completely off-limits to westerners until 1992, the entire land-mass still only has one hundred and eighty miles of paved road, despite being roughly the size of the entire state of California. And with more than one thousand rivers of over ten miles in length spanning the peninsula, Kamchatka is a literal maze of salmonid filled watersheds, only about three percent of which have yet been explored!  And that's where you come in.  The Fly Shop has done a ton of exploration since the peninsula opened up, and with our Wilderness Float Trip programs, we float the best of what we've found plus a bit more new water every year.  For an idea of what all of this is actually like, check out this podcast from The Itinerant Angler chronicling Hemispheres Unlimited owner Justin Witt's 2014 season guiding this program in Kamchatka, then strap on your adventure gear, and get signed on for a trip into the last best trout wilderness on Earth.

Travel Details
Get in touch with a Hemispheres Unlimited trip planner today, and get started on putting together your own Kamchatka Wilderness Float trip adventure of a lifetime!


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